Employment Services
Job Skills Training – This service takes place on the job. It involves direct assistance with orientation, Job task training, and other identified training needs on the job that do not fall under any of the other employment service categories.
Non-Bundled Job Placement Services – These services include interview training, Resume and Employer Data Sheet completion, and Application training.
Bundled Job Placement Services – This employment assistance includes the following training and assistance; Employment Data Sheet/Résumé, Cover letter, thank you letter, References, Assistance with Job Search Process, Application Completion, Interview Training and Process, Worksite Accommodations, Pre-Employment Testing, Salary and position Negotiation, and Preparing for First Day on the Job.
Supported Employment Services – These services are for a longer term than the other employment services and are reserved for those who have not previously worked or volunteered on a job site. Service include; all of the services under bundled job placement and job skills training combined. Services continue as long as client needs them up through stability, successful closure, and beyond.